One of the mistakes that any teacher or group leader makes in dispensing information and advice is becoming overzealous in treatment and making blanket statement that convey the impression that there is only one correct way to proceed.
Long ago at Hippocrates we fell into these very traps and unconsciously exaggerated the effectiveness or appropriateness of a general program that was not individualized in any way. For many years now we have implemented a more open approach in dealing with any given situation. One of the gifts of nature is the uniqueness of each individual, and this holds true with our personal needs in renewing health. We should not disregard or discount valid information because our own concepts and experiences may differ. Choices may be the proper remedy, but dogmatism usually results in obstruction.
We have modified our stance to the point where we realize that the less desirable drug, operation or radiation therapy may be necessary in some cases. This is a decision that requires the most careful consideration.
Many people reading this article or those who enroll in our Life Transformation Program usually follow a typical meat, dairy, poultry and fish diet, which also includes many processed foods.
Although we may agree that such a diet is not health-giving, we are aware of the psychological attachments to former eating habits. In most cases where people are not in life-threatening situations, they can make a steady, unhurried change to a more healthful diet. An optimum diet may not be identical for everyone, but it should be obvious that all animal foods, granulated sugars, processed flour, fats, oil and excess proteins be eliminated. A good way to proceed is to map out a 6 month plan to reach your goal. Your first steps must be to eliminate your addictions to coffee, sugar, smoking, alcohol and drugs. The one “bad” thing you hold onto is always the biggest detriment to your health. Your wise choices will propel you into a heightened level of wellness.
The “quick fix” is an anomaly. It never fixes anything. Relying on a pill to take away the pain has been the western approach to self-medication. Common sense dictates that we discover the cause of our problems and eliminate them safely and effectively. The usual first step is to detoxify the body with a cleansing, nutritious diet. It is certainly not a rapid process. It is more like the seasons as they change – a gradual, definitive, long-lasting approach which will undeniably change your life and the way you deal with others. You can expect to emerge as a gentler, kinder, more compassionate individual as your emotional health is restored con-currently with your physical health.
Your oral fixations, deeply entrenched emotional traits and diminished spirit are all poor companions at the beginning of your road to recovery. You can be sure that your recovery has begun when your new companions are healthful eating habits, heightened self-esteem, happiness and an enlightened spirit.
Your obligation to yourself is to establish a goal, to proceed to that goal with determination, to embrace the goal and upon reaching it, to establish a new and higher goal. This applies to all areas of life, not only to your change of diet. Progress is a basic principle that governs life itself.
Longtime members of our organization are aware that the Hippocrates Health Institute has never advocated or recommended the use of supplements or vitamins as a dietary complement because we feel that a variety of whole, unprocessed and unheated foods are intrinsically superior, have a more balanced composition and can be more fully absorbed. However, after long experience, research and application, we now recommend certain supplements which are Living Food based. This expands the building and healing process.
Our research experiments on the utilization of enzymes have shown us that they can provide an enormous boost in improved digestion and healing. We unequivocally recommend certain whole food algae, both the green single-celled and the blue-green varieties. The incredible nutrients and minerals they provide cannot be duplicated at this time in any land-based plants. Algae strengthen your RNA and DNA.
When people graduate from the Hippocrates program, for the rest of their lives, as a courtesy to them, we have our medical staff analyze their blood profiles and medical reports, so that we can continually refine and “tune up” their healing lifestyle. What one needs now maybe quite different in one, five or ten years from now. Health care must take a new approach creating life-long relationships with individuals. This, candidly, is the only way possible to effectively assist a person in their pursuit of a health filled life.
Since the inception of this approach, over the last two decades, we have been extremely pleased and fulfilled by the response from our alumnus in this newly-formed team approach to health. Given the ability to follow through not only makes the validity of the Living Foods program stronger, it also clearly places the responsibility on you to achieve your goal. As many of you have heard the stories about the Chinese physicians in the outreaches of the country who are only paid when people in the community are well, and not paid when they become sick, our western approach of making you act on your lifestyle achieves a similar goal. By taking back the power to heal yourself you are utilizing the most significant gift that human potential harbors.
By Brian Clement, PhD, LN
The post The Process of Personal Wellness appeared first on Hippocrates Health Institute.